We place great emphasis on spreading the message of the Gospel including work amongst young people.
We have a weekly Seekers group every Sunday (term time only) at 11.45 am when children from ages 3 to early teens come together to sing choruses, learn verses from the Bible and listen to a Bible story.
We also visit around 12 local schools through the year to undertake school assemblies (collective woprship) and to distribute Bibles to Class Year 5.
We have three Bible Exhibitions. As well as our main Exhibition we have a mini Christmas Exhibition and a mini Easter Exhibition. We visit about 20 schools across the Wirral and Liverpool area with these Exhibitions.
Throughout the year we hold a week of children's meetings. Details will be advertised as and when these are organised.
All our children's workers are DBS checked.
We hold a number of activities for children and young people on Sunday and during the week.
On Sunday at 11.45 am we have Seekers, a meeting for children aged 3+.
On Wednesday evening at 7.00 pm we have Focus, a meeting for boys and girls aged 7+. It commences with a short message from the Bible followed by craft activities.
(All our children's workers are DBS checked)
The Gospel Tent visits Bromborough approximately every three years.
The next visit will be in June 2025.
Details of these meetings will be publicised in due course.

We have three Bible Exhibitions. As well as our main exhibition we have a mini Christmas Exhibition and a mini Easter Exhibition. We visit about 20 different schools with these exhibitions.
Is primarily designed as a half day programme for schools
Can be set up in school assembly halls by members of the Bible Exhibition team
Could be available at a local church to enable schools to visit, subject to transport availability
Is aimed at school years 5 and 6 and possibly year 4.
Comprises 30 display panels
Includes 5 interactive activities and table top display materials to support kinaesthetic and visual learning
Provides an escorted guided tour on the history, content and message of the Bible; all guides are subject to CRB checks
Provides up to 5 additional Bible related activities in which the children will actively participate
Is transported in a small trailer to be taken to the school
The Purpose
The purpose of the Bromborough Bible Exhibition is to support and complement local Schools in the delivery of their Religious Education programme at Key Stage 2 and to cover many aspects of the Christian content of the RE programme of study. In addition, the Exhibition seeks to highlight the impact of the Bible on the world today and to promote an interest in the Bible among Children.​
The Programme​
Half day morning programme running from approximately 9.15am to 12noon; this may be adjusted to meet individual school preferences. If schools require the Exhibition for a full day or for an afternoon only this can be discussed on a school by school basis
Assuming a class size of approximately 30 children divided into groups of 5-6 pupils; the Exhibition caters for a maximum of 32 children
Guides will be available to lead the children through the Exhibition in groups of 5 or 6
A worksheet is available which the Guides will help the children to complete
Booking the Exhibition
If you would like to book the Exhibition, please contact us using the online form provided.