We are a group of Christians who meet together at the Gospel Hall. Our common link is that we have put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
This salvation was required because, in common with everybody else, we are sinners in the sight of God (Rom 3:23) and could do nothing of ourselves to merit God's favour. However Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of the Eternal God, became a man and gave His life on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for our sin. It is through repentance for our sin and by faith in Jesus Christ that we have salvation and enter into fellowship with God.
We do not belong to any ‘organisation’ or ‘denomination’. We believe that each local church (“assembly” is the name we prefer), is an independent group. We do have contact (fellowship) with other local churches in the area, throughout the country and worldwide with whom we share common beliefs based on the Bible (the “Scriptures” or the “Word of God”).
In our Church practice we endeavour to follow the teachings of the New Testament.
In the Gospels the Lord Jesus Christ called people from all walks of life to follow Him and His teaching to guide their lives. These people included fishermen, farmers, tax collectors, soldiers and many others. They included men and women, young and old, from different social and ethnic backgrounds. They became His disciples. The difference that He had made in their lives was evident and this gave them the desire to share His teaching with others.
The Christians who meet at the Gospel Hall are similar to this. We come from all walks of life and share a desire to tell others of the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Like those men and women in the first century AD we have recognised that we are sinners and realised that Jesus Christ died for our sins at Calvary. We have taken Him as our own personal Saviour. We have been baptised by immersion and now are part of the company of Christians who gather at the Gospel Hall.
Our desire is that you will, in reading this website or through listening to God’s Word through attendance at our meetings, believe on the Lord Jesus, be saved and meet with us according to the pattern set out in the New Testament.